July 18, 2020

Trail Maintenance Hours

Trail Maintenance Hours

A huge Thank You to all of our members who have been working hard to keep our trails in such great shape.

Going forward, the CMBTA Board would greatly appreciate if members would take the time to document and submit the work they do (see form below).

The recording and reporting of trail work conducted by volunteers is important for many reasons:

  • It aids our fundraising efforts and helps us when applying for grants.
  • It has a positive effect when talking with land managers and shows that as a user group we take responsibility for keeping our public lands in good condition.
  • It can serve as an important tool in assessing what trails have higher maintenance needs and we can allocate resources accordingly.
  • It shows that we are a good neighbour within the community and other user groups.

To record your volunteers hours, please visit our website, click on Trails and you will see the link.  Or simply click here: Trail Maintenance Volunteer Hours


Please feel free to email us at info@cmbta.ca as we have a list of trail maintenence jobs that need to be done!


CMBTA Board of Directors